Champ Records Music Production album releases can always be purchased here on this site. Any of the product that you select will be added and remain in the (SHOPPING BAG) until your ready for purchase. You can also sign-in and setup an account for faster check outs when you return. To purchase select the (BUY NOW BUTTON) for the item to go directly to the SHOPPING BAG, or select the artist (COVER) which will display more info for the item selected before adding to your BAG. With your purchase you will get some of the best of UNDISPUTED & LEVEL UP with C.R.M.P's unique HOOD CRUNK sound. If you haven't already previewed any of the (Album's) or (E.P's), check out the Spotify links provided below. We've also provided a (E.P) from each group which you can stream on our Reverbnation Player below as well. These groups are currently striving to climb to the top with much more to offer on the way. Feel free to check back for NEW PROJECTS.